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If you wish to register for an event, please contact the organiser shown in the event details. You will need to be a paid member to register for an event (except if mentioned otherwise in the event). Experts to total novices are welcome to join our sailing events. When organising a sailing event, the organiser will always ask the participants about their sailing skill. The organiser will then, based on everyone’s responses, decide on how best to dived the participants into crews.
Once we more, we are organising a BISC Laying-Up Supper to mark the sailing season drawing to a close. Come and share 2024 sailing stories with each other! Please let Sue Bird know if you intend to come along so that we know numbers for the restaurant – suebird121059@gmail.com, +32476410875
For more information, reach out to our chief event organiser Philip Easthill using the following email adress: events@brusselsinternationalsailingclub.be